Research & Policy Briefs Health & Human Services

Early Lessons From Four ‘Aligning Forces For Quality’ Communities Bolster The Case For Patient-Centered Care

By Deborah Roseman, Jessica Osborne-Stafsnes, Christine Helwig Amy, Summer Boslaugh, and Kellie Slate-Miller
HEALTH AFFAIRS 32, NO. 2 (2013)


Restructuring Long-term Care In Humboldt County

Goal: Assess from the perspective of long-term services and supports (ltss) providers and consumers of ltss the current state of long-term care services for seniors and adults with disabilities in the county; the gaps in services and recommendations for change and realignment.

Specifically, we wanted to focus on five key questions:

  1. Who represents the priority population to be served?
  2. What are the core and priority services needed for ltss?
  3. What are the major gaps?
  4. Are there replications in services that could be streamlined or provided by another organization?
  5. What changes need to be made in the current system?


Community Paramedicine in Humboldt County


An Integrative Approach to Patient Engagement

Aligning Forces Humboldt, which is located at the California Center for Rural Policy at Humboldt State University, has developed a successful method for assessing and maintaining patient involvement in its work leading the Aligning Forces for Quality (AF4Q) initiative in Humboldt County, Calif.


A Partnership to Deliver Integrated Health Care

Rural residents often live quite a distance from hospitals and health clinics and as a result, getting the necessary medical treatment can be difficult. This is especially true for treatment of mental health problems where the number of people with unmet mental health needs has reached crisis proportions.


The Rural Health Information Survey, 2006 Selected Findings for Klamath

Del Norte County and the adjacent tribal lands (DNATL) is one of fourteen places in California participating in Building Healthy Communities (BHC), an initiative of The California Endowment (TCE). The goal of BHC is to “support the development of communities where kids and youth are healthy, safe and ready to learn.” For more information about BHC please visit The California Endowment. In order to support the work happening in DNATL, this report was created for the Healthy Klamath Coalition to provide some baseline data about Klamath residents.


Mammograms among Women Residing in Del Norte, Humboldt and Trinity Counties: A Summary of Findings from the Rural Health Information Survey

The Rural Health Information Survey was conducted by the California Center for Rural Policy in the fall of 2006. The purpose of the survey was to assess health disparities, access and utilization of healthcare, and other determinants of health among residents in rural Northern California with the goal of providing useful information for planning and policy development.


Pap Tests among Women Residing in Del Norte, Humboldt and Trinity Counties: A Summary of Findings from The Rural Health Information Survey

The Rural Health Information Survey was conducted by the California Center for Rural Policy in the fall of 2006. The purpose of the survey was to assess health disparities, access and utilization of healthcare, and other determinants of health among residents in rural Northern California with the goal of providing useful information for planning and policy development.


Selected Findings for the Redwoods Rural Health Center Service Area

The Rural Health Information Survey (RHIS) was conducted by the California Center for Rural Policy (CCRP) in the fall of 2006. The purpose of the survey was to assess health disparities, access and utilization of healthcare, and other determinants of health among residents in rural Northern California with the goal of providing useful information for planning and policy development aimed at improving health in the region. This is the largest and most comprehensive study of this type that has ever been conducted in this rural region of Northern California. This report was created for the Redwoods Rural Health Center (RRHC) in order to provide a snapshot of residents within their primary service area.


Rural Poverty and its Health Impacts: A Look at Poverty in the Redwood Coast Region

This report provides a profile of rural poverty and its health impacts. It contains a review of the literature exploring the relationships between poverty and health with a focus on rural poverty and child poverty. It also contains an analysis of U.S. Census data showing the geographic distribution of poverty in the Redwood Coast Region and variation in poverty by place, age, family structure and race/ethnicity. Results from RHIS are presented to show the association between poverty and numerous health indicators. The report concludes with a discussion about implications for programs, policy and research based on dialogue with rural community leaders.

More about the Rural Health Information Survey
