Health Equity is acheived when all people have equivalent opportunities and resources necessary to lead healthy lives. Learn more about Health Equity by exploring the resources below.
Resource Title & Link | Resource Type | Resource Description |
Baseline Organizational Assessment for Equity Infrastructure (CDPH, 2022) | Toolkit/Guide | The purpose of the Baseline Organizational Assessment for Equity Infrastructure is to provide Local Health Jurisdictions (LHJs) with a streamlined tool to gather baseline data on their current equity infrastructure. The results from the assessment will inform future equity capacity planning in each jurisdiction and across the state. |
Health In All Policies: A Guide for State and Local Governments (CDPH, TCE, APHA, PHI, 2013) | Toolkit/Guide | “Health in All Policies: A Guide for State and Local Governments” was written by the public health facilitators of the California Health in All Policies Task Force and is geared toward state and local government leaders who want to use intersectoral collaboration to promote healthy environments. There are many different ways to support intersectoral collaboration for health, and the guide provides a broad range of perspectives and examples. |
Supporting Communities and Local Public Health Departments During COVID-19 and Beyond (The Alliance, 2022) | Report | This report is informed by many firsthand accounts from community-based organizations, local public health departments, health systems, philanthropy and other sectors who were on the frontlines or served as intermediaries for groups experiencing the most inequitable impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Each of the seven content areas outline ways that the nation’s systems both supported, and failed, the communities most impacted by COVID-19 and other longstanding health inequities and racial injustices. |
Portrait of Promise: The California Statewide Plan to Promote Health and Mental Health Equity (CDPH, 2015) | Report | This report on the California Statewide Plan to Promote Health and Mental Health Equity is the first biennial report of the new Office of Health Equity (OHE). This report is to improve the health status of all populations and places, with a priority on eliminating health and mental health disparities and inequities. |
Advancing Health Equity in Health Department's Public Health Practice (Human Impact Partners, 2018) | Report | This paper is intended for PHAB staff, advisors, and others involved in making decisions related to the accreditation process, standards, and measures. The authors presume that readers have an intimate familiarity with the accreditation process and are also familiar with terms and concepts related to health equity. This paper is not intended to “make the case” for why health equity is needed in public health practice, but rather to offer insights, examples, and recommendations to inform discussions about further advancing health equity in the accreditation process. |
Practitioner's Guide for Advancing Health Equity (Center for Disease Control, 2013) | Report | The “Practitioner’s Guide for Advancing Health Equity: Community Strategies for Preventing Chronic Disease” provides lessons learned from evidence- and practice-based strategies. The innovative ideas highlight how to maximize the effects of policy, systems, and environmental improvement strategies—all with the goal of reducing health disparities and advancing health equity. |
Health Equity Resource Series (IFDHE, 2021) | Report Series | AHA’s Institute for Diversity and Health Equity (IFDHE) prpared four new guidance and resource toolkits to share evidence-based practices to inform organizational steps. Health Equity resources Series focus on data collection, training, diversity and inclusion, and community partnerships. |
Health Equity Guide (Human Impact Partners, 2019) | Webpage | is a resource with inspiring examples of how health departments have concretely advanced health equity — both internally within their departments and externally with communities and other government agencies. This website includes: A set of Strategic Practices to advance health equity in local health departments Key actions health departments can take to advance their current practice towards health equity 25+ case studies from local health departments that describe how they advanced the strategic practice, factors that enabled the work, impacts, and advice for others 150+ resources from allied organizations and others to advance the strategic practices Human Impact Partners developed this resource in consultation with national health equity leaders and with support from The California Endowment. |
Evidence-based Resources (HHS OASH, n.d.) | Webpage | Evidence-based resources (EBRs) are published reviews of intervention evaluations and studies to improve health. Healthy People 2030 organized health equity topics - health conditions, health behaviors, populations, setting and systems, and social determinants of health - according to relevant resources that can help you work to achieve Healthy People 2030 objectives. |
What makes us healthy? Understanding the Social Determinants of Health (Let's Learn Public Health, 2018) | Video | The Social Determinants of Health are the conditions in which people are born, grow, live and age. They have a large influence on our health. It also determines health inequities, which is the unfair and avoidable health difference between different groups of people. This video takes a look at the social determinants of health, what they are, how they impact health, and a useful framework to understand it. |