CCRP's role as the regional contractor is to assist the Rural North region to achieve an equitable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and advance health equity across the region. Part of CCRP's work as the regional contractor includes identifying and addressing data equity concerns in the Rural North.
This resource library supports opportunities for resource sharing across the RANCHO region and includes resources shared from The California Department of Public Health and RANCHO Local Health Departments. The intent of this page is to provide foundational resources on topics that influence health equity in the Rural North and beyond.
Learn more by exploring each resource category:
Learn more about the Rural North:
- RANCHO Landing Page
- Rural North Resource Library
- Rural North Webinars/Trainings
- California's Rural North: Health Equity Landscape Scan Report
- California's Rural North: Evidence-Based Strategies and Best Practices to Improve Health Equity Report
- California's Rural North: Exploring the Roots of Health Disparities Report
- Rural North Research Briefs
- Rural North Public Health Investment Toolkit