Historical trauma originates from major events that oppressed a particular cultural, racial, or ethnic group and can have significant impacts on the physical and psychological health of communities. Learn more about historical trauma and its impacts by exploring the resources below.
Resource Title & Link | Resource Type | Resource Description |
Fact Sheet: Historical Trauma (SAMHSA, n.d.) | Factsheet | This factsheet, compiled by the SAMHSA's Gains Center for Behavioral Health and Justice Transformation, details symptoms of historical trauma, and also goes into detail about certain racial and cultural groups that may experience historical trauma. |
What is Historical Trauma (Administration for Children and Families, n.d.) | Webpage | This page, published by the Administration for Children and Families, details what historical trauma is, symptoms, who may experience it, and why it is important to understand. |
Historical Trauma and Cultural Healing: Video Series (UoM, 2023) | Webpage | The University of Minnesota Extension published this video series that goes over what historical trauma is, how it is perpetuated, and how to heal from it. They also provide links to other free resources on historical trauma. |
What We Do (Tribal Youth Resource Center, n.d.) | Webpage | This webpage covers historical trauma in relation to the Native American populations. They also provide a self-assesment tool for community workers looking to implement a trauma-informed approach, and contact information for more information. |
Historical Trauma and Healing (University of Denver, 2024) | Webpage | The University of Denver library published this webpage that contains videos on historical trauma and cultural healing. |
Historical Trauma and Cultural Resilience (Northwest Center for Public Health Practice, n.d.) | Webpage | This webpage describes what historical trauma is, and offers a chart showing the impact of one generations trauma on another generation. They also describe cultural resiliance, and provide several informational videos. This webpage is part of a larger toolkit on the topic of Public Health and Tribal collaborations. |
Historical Trauma and Microaggressions: A Framework for Culturally-Based Practice (CECMH, 2010) | Report | This report summarizes a presentation given by Dr. Karina Walters titled “Historical Trauma, Microaggressions, and Identity: A Framework for Culturally-Based Practice”, which was part of the Center for Excellence in Children’s Mental Health (CECMH) Lessons from the Field seminar series. The presentation focuses on American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) people, specifically children, and the historical trauma they have faced. |
Article List - Historical Trauma (UoM, 2015) | Report | This list of research articles, compiled by the University of Minnesota Extension, focuses on historical trauma in a wide variety of cultures or racial groups. |