Redwood Region RISE's Priority Communities

Redwood Region RISE strives to center the voices of and seeks input and participation from community members representing or advocating for the following Priority Communities:
  • Advocates for People of Color (e.g. Black Lives Matter, Asian Americans Advancing Justice, New Hmong Rising Association, etc.)
  • Caretakers
  • Communities of Color
  • Farm Workers
  • Low-income Households
  • Immigrants with Documentation (e.g. work visas)
  • Individuals that live in extremely remote/rural areas of the Redwood Coast Region (Redwood Region RISE)
  • Individuals experiencing Mental Health Illness
  • Individuals in Rent-Burdened Households
  • Individuals who are Unemployed/Laid off/Seeking Employment
  • Individuals who were Formerly Incarcerated
  • Individuals that are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (HoH)
  • Individuals with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities
  • Individuals with Learning Disabilities
  • Individuals with Physical Disabilities
  • Individuals with Vision Impairment
  • Individuals without Broadband Access
  • Individuals without Documentation
  • LGBTQIA2S+ Individuals
  • Limited English Proficiency (non-English speakers or English as a Second Language)
  • Members of religions and ethnic minority communities
  • Monolingual Hmong Speakers
  • Monolingual Spanish Speakers
  • New Citizens
  • Non-federally Recognized Tribal Nations
  • Seniors
  • Single Parent Households
  • Tribal Citizens
  • Tribal Governments 
  • Unhoused individuals
  • Unions
  • Workers
  • Youth
  • Zero-vehicle Households
Involving Our Priority Communities

One of the program goals of CA Jobs First is to convene representatives from various community groups to the planning table, bringing their perspectives, expertise, and input. North Coast Opportunities (NCO) is our outreach & engagement partner in this process, and they have been working with the California Center for Rural Policy (CCRP) to build a robust contact list inclusive of the region, representing a diverse range of interests and backgrounds. Members of both these organizations have worked with many of our Tribal partners previously and are actively inviting them to join our efforts. If you know someone or an organization who is not yet involved, represents one or more of our priority communities, and might be interested in joining the process, please contact us at