Tribal Table Report Outs

Report Out June 2024

The Tribal Planning Table met on May 17, 2024 and was attended by a diverse group of individuals committed to fostering collaboration among Tribes. The focus was on economic development, community engagement, and overcoming systemic barriers Native communities face. The attendees discussed the decision-making process and the benefits of shared spaces for open dialogue. Challenges acknowledged include respecting the sovereignty and unique processes of each Tribe. Key initiatives highlighted were the removal of barriers for Native contractors, job creation within Native territories, and the development of mentorship programs. The group also emphasized the need for funding for planning phases and the importance of cultural revitalization. The meeting outlined the importance of inter-tribal collaboration for managing land, healthcare, and mental health provisions, with a vision to sustain these efforts.

Report Out May 2024

On April 29, 2024 covered a range of topics crucial to the autonomy and prosperity of the communities involved. Overall, participants were energized to share and listen to each other’s successes and to share ideas about how to do more of what is working well in various communities. Significant themes shared by participants included:

  • Healthy tribal nations are good for everyone in the region, and good healthcare, workforce development are elements of self-sufficiency

  • Tribes need to be consulted beginning early, and collaboratively, in any process.

  • Learning about what this table means and how it interacts with others. Questions and concerns were raised about how the Tribal Planning Table work fits into the RRRISE projects

  • Traditional values such as: giving back to the community and the land, listening, sovereignty

Most participants were from Tribal Lands in Humboldt, Lake and Mendocino Counties. The Tribal Planning Table has met online three times, and in person for the first time at this convening. The format of the meeting was open to any Tribal member or person representing a Tribal Government or Tribal Organization. Because participation has varied significantly between meetings, the meeting underscored a need for inclusion and support for the future of indigenous communities, focusing on self-determination and resilience. Leaders spoke about new revenue models for more sustainable forms of economic development, emphasizing the importance of cultural preservation and environmental stewardship. Initiatives like Doctors without Borders only “Doctors within Borders”. Highlighting a growing recognition of the need for comprehensive healthcare and mental wellness programs, tailored to address the unique challenges faced by Tribal communities. The gathering ignited hope in the direction towards healing, empowerment, and rekindling of traditional wisdom in modern practices.

On May 17, 2024 the Tribal Table met to discuss the further priorities and areas for cross collaboration between Tribal Governments and members in the Redwood Region as well as opportunities to advocate for more clarity around further engagement. The group discussed collaboration and economic development, highlighting the challenges faced by tribal communities in California due to the budget situation and the historic broken promises. The group emphasized the importance of collaborative economic development among Native people.

The group explored various ideas, including connecting microgrids, creating a cadre of Native healthcare workers, and promoting culturally oriented prescribed burning. Some members also discussed the challenges tribes encounter in accessing specialized healthcare and mental health services, emphasizing the lack of connectivity and resources. Participants expressed support for the topics being discussed and emphasized the critical role of Tribal sovereignty. The group discussed the possibility of holding cultural events open to the public, with the offer of support from local authorities to facilitate these gatherings.

Report Out April 2024

Most recently, the 4th Tribal Planning Table meeting originally set for April 12 has been canceled. In place of the meeting, office hours were held on April 17th from 2-3 PM and April 18th from 9-10 AM to cover the intended agenda. The invitation to the office hours included the Partnership Agreement Letter and necessary documentation from all participants on the Tribal Planning Table.

Another recent change, the organizer of the Tribal Planning Table Roseanne Ibarra stepped down from the role. The new representative in her place is Tiffany Gibson from NCO.

Report Out March 2024

The Tribal Table had their third meeting on March 15, 2024. Equity Council members were also invited to attend this meeting to hear direct feedback from Tribes about the Tribal Engagement Grant application process. North Coast Opportunities (NCO) announced that Equity Council finished reviewing the Tribal Engagement Grant applications and have awarded a total of $140,000 to the Tribes who applied. ThinkPlace West facilitated a work session for the vision statement on shared prosperity for the region. NCO and Equity Council also invited Tribal Table members to join the Planning Committee for the In Person Meeting. As requested from a previous meeting, a template letter for Tribes was also shared out as a means of direct feedback to the State in regards to Tribal engagement in California Jobs First. The next Tribal Table meeting is planned to be held on April 12, 2024 from 10:00am - 12:00 pm.

Zenia Levya Chou is the new NCO Region Outreach Coordinator that will be the main point of contact for Tribal outreach, specifically with Tribal Engagement Grantees. Zenia can be reached at