Redwood Region RISE (Resilient Inclusive Sustainable Economy) is a coalition of 150+ members engaging over a thousand residents across Tribal Lands, Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, and Mendocino Counties. Together, we've created and are now implementing our 10-year Regional Roadmap: a community- and data-driven plan to bring sustainable, quality jobs to our region while advancing environmental stewardship and social equity through the statewide California Jobs First initiative.
We envision the Redwood Region a healing place where everyone belongs, with stable jobs, accessible healthcare, and a flourishing natural environment. Together, we work towards a future where anyone can thrive.
Dive into our Regional Roadmap Connect with Partners
Explore Catalyst Pre-development Funds Find Project Resources
Join Redwood Region RISE's Efforts
There's many ways to get involved with RRRISE. Whether you have a great idea for a regional project to uplift priority communities, want to join our Tables, attend our public meetings and activities, join our Partner Directory to connect with local and regional community leaders, or just stay informed on the process through our newsletters... We'd love to have you on board!
What is Redwood Region RISE?
Project Information
Do you have a project with regional impact that aligns with the goals of the our Collaborative? Make sure to log it in our Project Inventory! This serves as a "letter of intent", and will help our Collaborative get a sense of the projects and initiatives in our region. Making tangible the important and great work taking place will help us to regionally align efforts and strengthen our individual and collective competitiveness.
Go to our Project Inventory Form
Latest Redwood Region RISE News
Things change fast in California Jobs First land! Check out our news page to get the latest information on our efforts, including the Catalyst Program, job openings, our key deliverables, activities, and much more.
Timeline For Our Collaborative's Efforts
Are you curious to find out more about the different phases and priorities for our region's California Jobs First initiative? Read more about our three main stages and key priorities by clicking the button below.