Things tend to change frequently in "California Jobs First" land. This page, as well as our News page, will keep you informed on our latest timeline and other updates.
Timeline Redwood Region RISE
Redwood Region RISE is part of California Jobs First' Regional Investment Initiative. The initiative comprises the following key phases:
Planning Phase
Catalyst Predevelopment Program
Implementation Phase
The State's Implementation Funding is a $125 million grant program launched on February 26, 2025, operating independently of Redwood Region RISE. Awards are expected to have a 24-month performance period, starting September 2025.
The State's Tribal Investment Initiative, a $15 million grant program under California Jobs First, also launched on February 26, 2025, independent of Redwood Region RISE. Grants will have a 24-month performance period from the agreement’s execution.
1. Planning Phase
February 2023 - September 2024
Redwood Region RISE’s Convening Team–like the twelve other California Jobs First regions in the state–received $5M to create a Collaborative to guide an inclusive, diverse, and accountable regional Planning Phase to create a "Regional Roadmap". Redwood Region RISE's two-part 10-year plan includes regional strategies and recommended investments to grow sustainable industries, diversify regional economies, and increase access to high-quality jobs in our region.
2. Catalyst Predevelopment Program
May 2023 - September 2026
The State of California launched a Catalyst Predevelopment Program to help its 13 economic regions bridge the gap between planning regional economic development strategies and implementing outcome-focused projects. Each region received $14 million in funding. Redwood Region RISE is collaborating with four Sector Investment Coordinators and our Collaborative at large to operationalize, implement, and track progress on our Regional Roadmap priorities. Our Catalyst Pre-development RFP period ran from November 18, 2024, to January 15, 2025, with Catalyst Awardees scheduled to be announced in late March 2025.
3. Implementation Phase
October 2024 - TBD (24 months from contracting)
The Implementation Phase, which follows the Planning Phase and runs concurrently with the Catalyst Predevelopment Program, will invest $125 million in key industries, including Aerospace & Defense, Clean Economy, and High-Tech. Aligned with its new Economic Blueprint, the State seeks to drive sustainable growth, innovation, and job creation by integrating workforce development, apprenticeships, and business support. This approach leverages regional economic diversity to enhance stability and reinforce California’s economic leadership.
The State—not Redwood Region RISE—will run the Implementation Phase RFP and award funding on a rolling, competitive basis to projects aligned with the Blueprint’s "Accelerate" and "Bet" categories. Application deadlines are May 28, 2025, and May 22, 2026. While applications must be submitted through the State, each project must first be endorsed by the regional Convening Team.
4. Tribal Investment RFP
February 2025 - TBD (24 months from contracting)
Alongside the Implementation RFP—but with a broader scope—the State has launched the Tribal Investment RFP, offering $15 million in competitive grants to support economic development, job creation, and climate resilience in Tribal communities. Funding is available for planning, pre-development and implementation projects. Eligible applicants are California Native American Tribes, Tribal consortia, and Tribal-led nonprofits. Projects must align with Redwood Region RISE's and California Jobs First goals and objectives.
Individual projects can receive up to $1M, whereas the funding limit for coalition-led initiatives $2M. The State—not Redwood Region RISE—will run the Tribal Investment RFP and award funding on a rolling, competitive basis. Application deadlines are April 30, 2025 (Round 1) and March 13, 2026 (Round 2).