Upcoming Meetings
Next Collaboartive Meeting: Thursday, March 27, 2025
Time: 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Cadence: Every quarter
Location: Zoom
Important Message: Join Our Next Collaborative Meeting on March 27 on Zoom!
We're thrilled to invite you to join us on Zoom for our upcoming Quarterly Collaborative Meeting on Thursday, March 27, 2025 from 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. This meeting will feature exciting Catalyst Funding updates and other key developments you won't want to miss. We'll distribute the Zoom link and meeting agenda soon!
Important sidenote: We want to assure you that we are still actively working to resolve key logistics around travel and accommodation reimbursements. Once these details are finalized, we look forward to scheduling an in-person gathering where we can all connect face-to-face.
Tracking Our Progress: Quarterly Collaborative Meetings
The Redwood Region RISE Collaborative, a coalition of 150+ members representing communities across Tribal Lands Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, and Mendocino Counties, has transitioned from monthly Planning Phase meetings (March 2023-September 2024) to quarterly Implementation Phase gatherings. These Implementation meetings, alternating between online and in-person formats, is a space for our Collaborative to provide updates on Redwood Region RISE's progress on our equity-focused and climate-forward economic development priorities. Everyone is encouraged to listen in. Meeting recordings and materials are available below.
Upcoming Events
Mar 5 2025 - 3:30pm
Mar 7 2025 - 10:00am
Mar 27 2025 - 11:00am
Find RRRISE's Planning Phase Meeting Materials
The Redwood Region RISE Collaborative hosted monthly planning meetings from March 2023 to September 2024, engaging 150 member organizations and several thousand residents to develop grassroots economic strategies (our "Regional Roadmap") for the region. How we got there? Check out our Planning Phase meeting recordings, agendas, and slide decks through the button below.
Quarterly Implementation Collaborative Meetings:
First Quarterly Implementation Collaborative Meeting (Zoom)
Thursday, November 21, 2024 - 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Meeting Recap
At its November 21, 2024 first Quarterly Collaborative Meeting, that was interpreted realtime into Spanish, Redwood Region RISE outlined major developments in their Implementation Phase and announced several key initiatives. At the top of the meeting, the RRRISE Convening Team thanked North Coast Opportunities (NCO) and True North Organizing Network (TNON) for their valuable outreach efforts throughout the Planning Phase.
Implementation: Shift to Action & Strategies
The Convening Team reminded everyone of changes to its operations as it has moved from Planning to Implementation. The team’s convening budget has been reduced from $5 million during Planning to $2 million in Implementation, reflecting a focus on action-oriented collaboration and strategy resourcing using the Collective Impact Model. RRRISE has set up a regular meeting schedule to support this work. Quarterly sessions will alternate between virtual and in-person formats. Governing bodies will meet quarterly, while the Leadership Team (including the Voting Members' Executive Committee, Sector Investment Coordinators, and the Convening Team) will meet monthly to keep things on track. Take a look at our calendar here.
Catalyst Pre-development Request for Proposal
Central to the meeting was the launch of the $9M Catalyst Pre-development Request For Proposal (RFP) on November 18, focusing on exploratory and near-implementation-ready projects that align with the RRRISE Regional Roadmap.
The RFP process, with applications due January 15, 2025, will be evaluated by up to 30 Project Scorers (compensated $1,500 each) using a rubric developed by the Equity Council and Voting Members (see Appendix B in the Request For Proposal). Scoring emphasizes feasibility, equity, economic development, and environmental impact, with additional points for priority community leadership and partnerships. Technical assistance is available through ccrp@humboldt.edu, with Fiscal Agent North Edge to provide budget guidelines through an FAQ document that will be shared shortly.
Regional Strategies informing a State Blueprint and Activation Plans
The meeting also introduced the State Blueprint 2025-2035, which consolidates strategic priorities from California Jobs First's 13 economic development regions. This comprehensive plan from the State aims to streamline regional economic development efforts to create family-sustaining jobs across California. On our end, four Sector Investment Coordinators (Arts, Culture, and Tourism; Health and Caregiving; Renewable and Resilient Energy; and Working Lands and Blue Economy) are developing Activation Plans to operationalize our Regional Plan Part 2 (our regional strategies). One draft Activation Plan is due January 31, 2025, and final plans for all four sectors are due June 30, 2025.
Last, but not least
Additional announcements included ongoing Public Comment for the Regional Roadmap through December 1, 2024, and the next in-person Quarterly Collaborative Meeting scheduled for February 27-28, 2025, with accommodations and travel support provided. To facilitate ongoing regional collaboration, a new online Partner Directory has been introduced.